I apologise that it is myself writing this month’s newsletter but as many of you are already aware our beloved President Mr Al Low had a heart attack recently as well as an an operation to install a pace maker and is currently recuperating.
First off, I would like to say how wonderful it was meeting many of you for the first time at the APBC conference last month.
At the conference, besides the various discussion points and presentations I am pleased to say that a number of the committees main positions have been finalised however there are still roles on some to still be filled, so please send any nominations for any of the outstanding positions to office@apbcboxing.com
Africa Region
Chairman: Zacharia Ochieng Oyugi – Kenya Professional Boxing Commission
Vice Chairman: Patrick Johnson – Ghana Boxing Authority
Executive Member: Mark Jackson Mugwanya – Uganda Professional Boxing Commission
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Americas Region:
Co-Chairman: Mike Miranda – Conselho Nacional de Boxe (Brazil)
Co-Chairwoman: Geyza Caryny – Conselho Nacional de Boxe (Brazil)
Vice Chairman: Rodrigo Yebra – Asociación de Boxeo Argentino
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Asia Region:
Chairman: Nurgazy Ismagambetov – Kazakhstan Boxing Commission
Vice Chairwoman: Vikki Duong – Vietnam Boxing Council
Executive Member: Shukrullah Fazili – Afghanistan Professional Boxing Commission
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Europe Region:
Chairman: Aleksejs Kosobokovs – Baltic League of Professional Boxing
Vice Chairman: Charlie Cardona – Malta Boxing Commission
Executive Member: Guido Carli – Italian Authority Of Boxing
Executive Member: Mehmet Pasha – Cyprus Professional Boxing Commission
Executive Member: David Smith – British & Irish Boxing Authority
Oceana Region:
Chairman: TBA
Vice-Chairman – TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Female Boxing:
Chairwoman: Bena Kaloki – Kenya Professional Boxing Commission
Vice Chairwoman: Marianne Marston – British & Irish Boxing Authority
Executive Member: Sheila Cunha – Associação Nacional e Internacional de Boxe
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Ring Officials:
Chairman: Lee Murtagh – British & Irish Boxing Authority
Vice Chairman: Roger Barnor – Ghana Boxing Authority
Executive Member: Márcio Goulart Reginatto – Asociación Nacional e Internacional de Boxeo
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Medical and Health & Safety Executive:
Chairman: Professor Michael Graham – British & Irish Boxing Authority
Vice-Chairman TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Chairman: Russell Jaques – Professional Boxing Council (PBC)
Vice Chairman:
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Chairman: TBA
Vice Chairman: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Executive Member: TBA
Once the outstanding positions are filled and Mr Low is fit and well once more the main board roles of Chairman, Vice President 1, Vice President 2, Secretary and Treasurer will be selected from the committee members above.
Also taking part at the conference were APBC accredited Referee/Judge and Timekeeper training courses and I would like to extend my congratulations to all that took part.
The website will be updated over the coming week or so to include all committees as well as the main board appointments as well as the successful participants of the Training courses.
Record Keeping:
It has been bought to our attention, both at the APBC conference as well as via various communications from both APBC member Commissions and non-member Commissions regarding inaccuracies of boxers records on one particular Record Keeper’s website or in some cases actual failure to update not just individual boxer’s records but also entire events.
Whilst the APBC are yet to appoint an Official Record Keeper, Mr Low had intended to begin discussions with both Boxrec and Fight Fax as soon as he is fit and well again, however due to the level of discrepancies we have been alerted to, before doing so would ask all APBC member Commissions to provide their input on this matter, especially if there are issues like those mentioned above affecting your Commission’s boxers or events with either proposed Record Keeper.
In the meantime it has been suggested that the APBC website also features ALL APBC member commission’s Reports and Results as this would not only provide other members accurate records but also a reference point for matching, as the records will be guaranteed 100% correct
Ring Officials:
Relating to the final part of the Record Keeping section, it has been proposed that each APBC member commission provides the APBC a list of their Championship level referees and judges which will be listed on the APBC website to provide other APBC member commissions as well as Associate member Championship Organisations a pool of top level International Ring Officials for use on Championship events World wide.
Standardised Pre-Contest Medicals:
One of the discussion points raised at the conference was regarding pre-contest medicals. As there seem to be variations from Commission to Commission it was proposed that the APBC Medical committee, once all positions are filled, develop a standardised Pre-Contest medical.
Weight Cutting:
Another was the dangers of weight cutting, whilst the discussions led to some very valid options on ways to prevent dangerous levels of Weight cutting, once the Medical and Health and Safety Executive group roles are filled this should be one of the first areas that the committee look deeply into so that we can prevent potential tragedies in our beloved sport.
Training Courses:
Another subject covered were the APBC accredited officials training courses and at this point would like to congratulate those that successfully completed the Referee/Judges course and /or the Timekeeper course.
I am pleased to announce that the Kenya Professional Boxing Commission is currently in discussions regarding them hosting training courses in Kenya in August this year.
The British & Irish Boxing Authority have also stated that they too will be hosting further courses in the United Kingdom this year.
Full details regarding these courses in Africa and Europe will be announced later this month.
Gianluca Di Caro